Monday, November 7, 2011

The Ugly American Englishman Revisited

We finished watching the documentary series about the Englishman who rode Route 66, suffered culture shock, was stressed out and generally seemed to have a miserable time. We found that series followed up with a new one, where the same chap revisits this famous road six years later and with (by his reckoning) 30 to 40,000 American miles under his belt. What a different tale it is.
It is interesting to watch this after writing my last blog about this fellow because on this recent trip, he is generally more relaxed. He finds more interesting places to stay and to eat. He has a guidebook which has helped him plan and as he puts it (paraphrased) last time he was rushing to get through and this time he is allowing himself time to stop and see the sites if something interests him.
When he completed his first trip, he finished the show by saying he was glad he had done the trip, just because he had always wanted to, but he wouldn't do it again. After this second trip he answered the same question with an emphatic "yes!"
He must have read my blog. :-)

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