Monday, July 20, 2009

Closed on Sundays

I have said before that we live in a very religious area of the Netherlands. And, yes, there is such a thing! You would not know that this area and Amsterdam were in the same country from the local cultures. Amsterdam is known around the world for its anything-goes philosophy of life. Around here it is a different matter,for better and for worse. There are many folks with a deep relationship with the Lord, but this is also the home for what is referred to here as The Black Stocking Church. For them life is all about hard work and The Rules. Think, Amish, with electricity and buttons. The church is heavy-handed with its members. One man had a large family and he bought a duplex and tore down walls to make a larger dwelling for his family. The church decided the house was too large (it was not modest) so he had to sell it. Sunday wear for the men is a dark suit and tie. The women wear dark dresses and a particular kind of hat that is unique to the Netherlands. They all wear the same style hat. I tried to Google a photo, but couldn't find it. Also dark. Everyday dress for women includes a long skirt ( never pants) in dark colors and their hair pulled back in a bun. It is a lifestyle that can best be described as no laughter, no color, no joy. Life is hard and if it isn't , we will be sure to make it so. A large part of our local population belongs to this church and it affects a lot of things. They very strictly keep the Sabbath - they don't even ride their bicycles to church, but must walk. I must confess I don't see how riding a bicycle is more work than walking, I sort of thought it was the other way around. But I digress. This means that all the stores are closed on Sunday, even the gas stations in town. I think it is nice for the stores to be closed so folks can spend the day in church and with their families. A day a rest is a good idea, after all it was the All-Wise God's idea. Though I must confess my surprise to discover yesterday just how far they have taken keeping the Sabbath. They are getting ready to have the Naar Buiten fair on the grounds of the building where TWR has its offices. I have written about it before and may very well again this year. I had been directed to a website for the activites so I could find out when the special events were to be held. I always enjoy these - one year it was border collies doing a shepherding demonstration and the firing of old artillery. Another year it was a display of falconry and a type of dressage on horseback. This year there will be police dogs going through their paces, among others. I had left their website open so I could make notes of the events I wanted to see and when I looked at it yesterday, Sunday, the following message was on my screen. "Thank you for your interest Today is Sunday. We dedicate this day in particular to the service of God. We regard Sunday as a day of rest, a command from God and a gift, which we may be grateful for. For that reason, this site is now closed. Tomorrow you are warmly welcome to this site." Apparently even websites have to observe the Sabbath.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Wowsa. That website better spend the day in quiet contemplation and prayer...OR ELSE!